School life | Teen Ink

School life

May 31, 2016
By Tatsuya BRONZE, HCMC, Hawaii
Tatsuya BRONZE, HCMC, Hawaii
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life in school is
like a
   video game
Full of
you need to overcome

With each grade you have to finish

game levels that
you have to get done

In school 
we meet
different characters

With various   personalities
Some of them can help you level up
Some can make you fail and give up

Teachers are like
who teach us
They equip us with
knowledge that we can use
We study and play at school

We get homeworks that
we need to finish
Sometimes we think that we don’t want to go school
But we will forget about that really quickly
Right now I really like the school that I’m going

Because it’s fun
Really fun
Really really fun
but Sometimes it gets boring


It will be fun again
I like school
It has a lot of  FUN events
Dance party,
Gin event,
House league
and Blast
It makes student like school more
                                                I REALLY LIKE IT

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