The Dark Side | Teen Ink

The Dark Side

May 28, 2016
By Sukumaran BRONZE, Ho Chi MInh, Other
Sukumaran BRONZE, Ho Chi MInh, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How many times have you passed a homeless women?
The one who acts like all she wants to do is die,
to sell,
But even if she did you
would not buy.

How many times has she asked for a dollar,
And you thought All you want to do is buy a drink.
Many in her case would tell you all they want to do is shrink.
They are often shamed and never
called what they are named. 
Many times you have probably done this,
But have you ever thought that 'Jesus could come back like that.'
We mistreat many including the thin and the fat.
Has that women with AIDS ever ask you to visit,
And if and when you did, you sat and chat,
And found out it was not as you thought.

I encourage you
my friend,
Try to befriend the one you normally make fun of,
After all didn't God create the dove to be a sign of peace?
If the almighty gives love from above, `
Why do you refuse to give the strangers love?
Maybe even offer to buy her  a pair of gloves.
shove them out of
                            your way and mind.

The author's comments:

This poem is about a homeless women and how she overcome her fears

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