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May 31, 2016
By jmoon20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
jmoon20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Out on the streets
Begging for food
I lost my

Family and House

Because of a fire.
All our belongings
All our money
All of my family


And now…

I live outside.
I fear everyday,
That someday or another,
Someone will attack me.

I never wash my clothes
I never shower, and I smell.
Sometimes, I feel like I’m going mental,
And other times, I feel invisible.

Sometimes I feel that I shouldn’t belong in this world.

I don’t have anyone.
I don’t have anything.
I don’t have money.


I don’t need to be as wealthy as CEO’s.
I don’t need to be as popular as celebrities.
I don’t need to be as handsome as actors.

All I want is a place
Where I’m loved
By my wife and kids

A home.

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