Global Waming | Teen Ink

Global Waming

June 16, 2016
By ashleykho_96 BRONZE, Kuching, Sarawak, Other
ashleykho_96 BRONZE, Kuching, Sarawak, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The days are getting hotter,
The weather is getting wild,
Unpredictable storms are in order,
Until we have no cause for smile.

Some days the sun burns hot,
Though skies are far from clear,
Some places covered with hot spots,
Through haze and smog we peer.

The heavens full of pollutants,
The air laden with dust,
Breathing is no longer fun,
A mask is now a must.

Forests have been laid to waste,
In the name of modernisation,
The waters filled with toxic waste,
In the economic interest of the nation.

What is happening to this world?
Do men deserve all of these?
Is it greed or is it ignorance?
Time for actions bold,
To win the war against global warming.

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