I Wonder What He Knows | Teen Ink

I Wonder What He Knows

July 20, 2016
By stuckinthemiddle GOLD, Greenville, South Carolina
stuckinthemiddle GOLD, Greenville, South Carolina
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Today I beat my personal best for most consecutive days alive.&quot;<br /> -Unknown

I wonder if he'll ever know that he is beautiful
That to me he is an angel fallen from the sky
If he knows that my eyes follow him as he walks
And that when he looks back I look away

I wonder if he knows that in every smile I take at him
I count them in the stars
If he knows that of the million miles I walk
I'd walk a million more for him

But I doubt he knows that he haunts my dreams
And I wake up and he haunts my days too
And when others ask who I like
I say no one, but have no one to fool

I wonder if he'll ever know that his laugh
Is like a thousand trumpets from heaven
And when he speaks it's my favorite song
So if this isn't love I don't know what is at all.

I wonder if he knows that I go places just to see him
I’d fly to the end of a neverending world
Just to breathe in the air of casual desire
Just to say hi to his pretty red face

I wonder if he knows that I see him in shades
Of color that hints at the end of the day
I see him in blue that tilts to the sky
And in green that melts in the dew

But I doubt he knows that he haunts my dreams
And I wake up and he haunts my days too
And when others ask who I like
I say no one, but have no one to fool

I wonder if he knows that he speaks French in my mind
And paints in a glorious cloud
I wonder if he knows that he is perfect
Even when he bows his head

I wonder if he knows that the light strikes his eyes
And fills them with tangy gold
If he knows that it doesn’t matter how far he walks
He’ll always be fit to me

I wonder if he knows that I spend hours
Trying to write his beauty to ink
Some things you can’t capture in a minute or two
Instead I get a picture of him

But I doubt he knows that he haunts my dreams
And I wake up and he haunts my days too
And when others ask who I like
I say no one, but have no one to fool

No one to fool because I have no one to like:
I have only someone to love.

The author's comments:

This is just a poem about a girl who loves someone, but he hasn't any clue.

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