Natures Best | Teen Ink

Natures Best

October 10, 2016
By CoreyMerritt BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
CoreyMerritt BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Savanna moss covered the rocks like the water on the leaves
The bright light rays shined through the trees
Quack, quack! Ducks are quacking louder than a french horn
Time to enjoy the natural world

The trees are ginormous
They look bigger than the day before
Bushes look thicker and darker
Leaves greener
Kind of a minty green

The light seemed through the dusty leather like trees
It looked like a caribbean mist
The branches reached down like arms
The trail was so rough it was like running 10 miles uphill
I loved the challenge

Life's a roller coaster
This is the part at the top
The peak of life
Time to live it up

The author's comments:

I love nature. Im a fan of anything that is outdoors.

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