One in a Billion | Teen Ink

One in a Billion

October 19, 2016
By DesertSnow BRONZE, Surrey, Other
DesertSnow BRONZE, Surrey, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One in a billion
Looking at the beach I see a thousand grains of sand,
A single grain of sand is but a worthless piece of dust,
Without a purpose, it's deemed worthless, as it sits there on your hand.
It slips through your fingers and is picked up by a gust.

Looking at the sky I see a million sparkling stars,
A single sparkling star is but a worthless ball of gas.
Without a purpose, it's deemed worthless, as you gaze at it afar,
But you quickly lose sight of it in the twinkling mass.

Looking at the world I see a billion living humans,
A single human being's but a worthless mass of flesh.
Without a purpose, it's deemed worthless, mixed up in an illusion,
But a single human being has the chance to change the rest.

The author's comments:

There are moments when I just feel like a number, just another boring person on our planet, but I like to remind myself that everyone is different and was created different for a purpose. 

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