Birthdays of doom | Teen Ink

Birthdays of doom

October 24, 2016
By A.DeFaria BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
A.DeFaria BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wow, Grow up!

Birthdays are so overrated.

It just tells you that you’re

Closer to decaying like

A skeleton.


The parties that leaves a

Lagoon of trash, smells

That seem to never go away,

And some people not bringing


“Why did you come here if you have no

Presents for me?”


But the good thing is

That you see family,

Friends, and people you care about.

Birthdays are often enjoyable

But in the end it gives you hope

And love.

However, they get repetitive sometimes.

Celebrating each year

What god brought to your family

And suddenly…

At the moment you don't expect it,

You fall into a sudden darkness

That not even light can get you out
Which doesn’t lead you to freedom.

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