The World Today | Teen Ink

The World Today

October 25, 2016
By nkrachman210 SILVER, Moorestown, New Jersey
nkrachman210 SILVER, Moorestown, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The birds sang their soft elegant song. I breathed in the fresh, moring air. The sun lightly tickled my skin. This was 50 years ago.


I walk outside. I smell gasoline and hear the morning traffic. I see people. Too many people. People that are unecessary. People that were mistakes. Something unnatrual. Something unreal.


I shuffle along the sidewalk, kicking trash out of my way. It can't be solved. It can't be fixed. We fould up. Regrets. Shame. Misery.


The world slowly begins to fall. Piece by piece. Until all that is left is pure darkness.

The author's comments:

This is what the world is like today vs. 50 years ago. We have become so consumend in ourselves that we forget to think about the enviorment around us.

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