A Broken Blonde | Teen Ink

A Broken Blonde

November 1, 2016
By izzylou SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
izzylou SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She walks into the room alone
With her blonde hair hanging before her face
She must look up to see everything except for her feet
Another girl runs up and says hello
Her hair is red, the blonde girl blushes
Their colors match
They say goodbye but soon return
Others come and others go
But the little girls stay together

Life is good
Just the two little girls together
Together forever
They are stuck together like glue
They think the same things
They behave the same way
The blonde girl wants to stay like this
Maybe she tries too hard
But who cares
There is time
There is so much time
So much still to come

It is still the two of them
The last year before they’re big girls
Laughing, running, dancing, playing
They are equals
Their pink dresses and their identical giggles
The two girls have each other
They don’t need anyone else
They only want each other
It’s what the red headed girl says
So the blonde believes her

It’s a new beginning; it has new people
There are now three big girls but
The blonde and the redhead stay together
They write stories, tell jokes, tease each other
But still so innocent
We will be best friends forever right?
Of course
The world revolves around them
Nothing could ever change
Nothing will ever change
The big girls are split up, not in the same class anymore
They push against the current to stay together
But they slowly drift apart
The blonde girl sees the red haired girl from through the window
She is laughing with her new friends
It is okay the blonde tells herself
I am strong
Will we really be best friends forever?

The blonde is no longer alone
She talks with her new friend the brunette
They laugh, tell secrets, and have sleepovers
The red haired girl becomes more popular
Has she forgotten about the blonde?
It is okay
The blonde girl is happy
The redhead is happy
Although they are not together
They still see each other
But they are no longer as close
Like a rubber band that lost its elasticity
The blonde remembers to keep her head up
The red haired girl doesn’t have to try.

Another year apart
Their sleepovers are rare, but their giggles aren’t
Who cares about being apart?
They are best friends no matter what
Nothing can split them up
Not yet
There are still other friends
Nothing is exactly the same
But life is good
Everyone is happy
Everyone is still happy

The girls are reunited again
But with a brunette in the mix
The blonde feels secretly disappointed
Why couldn’t it just be the two of us best friend?
We can all be best friends the red haired girl replies.
But the blonde doesn’t want that
The blonde isn’t as important anymore
There is someone else
It is a new beginning
Of a new chapter in their friendship

Things are changing
The big girls turn into young ladies
Everything is fine, just fine
It is not the two of them
There are three, sometimes four or five
Never enough room at the table for the blonde
The red haired young lady sits in the middle of everything
She is the center of attention
The world revolves around her
She is the sun
The blonde is Mars
The blonde is still close, but not like before
Who are these people?
Are these her friends too?
Yes, because they are the red haired girls friends
The two young ladies still stick together

The young ladies become as close as ever
A new brunette joins the group
The blonde used to be friends with her long ago
Does the red head know?
Wait stop
They see concerts, watch movies, have sleepovers
All with the blonde girl at home
Her best friend has left her
Another has replaced her
What, when, why, how
She tells the red haired girl how she feels
Bad choice
She should have kept feelings to herself
She didn’t want to upset the red haired girl
It’s okay she tells herself
Nothing is all gone yet.
She sits quietly alone with her thoughts

Quietly tortured
The blonde has friends, but not the one that she wants
The fights start
Tears dripping down the blonde’s face like a thunderstorm
It brings out her green eyes
Not much laughing goes on
She tries to tell her parents about the situation
They say the red haired girl isn’t a good friend
It’s not her fault the blonde girl pleads
She defends her
The red haired girl doesn’t notice the blonde’s silent screams and tears
She tore a hole in her
It could not be repaired
The blonde still loved her
She didn’t care that she was slowly crumbling

Make it stop
Too scared to stand up for herself
Too scared to ask for help
It’s her fault she thinks
She should have been a better friend
The depression overcomes her
What is happening?
Just make the storm in her head stop
The blonde cries
She cries enough to fill the Atlantic Ocean
Why wake up
Why go to school if her best friend hates her
The red haired girl is always yelling at her
She gets mad for nothing
She broke the blonde girl
She is not strong anymore but no one can see
Life was so great
It just disappeared
The blonde’s emotions taunt her
Give up
No one needs you
You don’t matter
You have no friends
The blonde wanted to go to sleep
She didn’t want to wake up
But she did

Standing over her was the brunette and another blonde
They reached out for her
Our blonde girl stood up
She wiped off her blood and looked confident for the first time
For the first time is what it felt like
She was strong
She would be strong again
The red haired girl would not punch her in the heart this time
The blonde screamed and punched and kicked and fought back
She fought until she couldn’t any longer
It was going to be okay

The red haired girl and the blonde girl
They were the best of friends
Then they weren’t
They remain friendly but their friendship will never heal
Nothing will be the same
The blonde now has another blonde
They are best friends
They are sisters
Their story will not end the same way
They saved each other
This other blonde girl needed someone
They needed each other

Our little blonde girl is strong
She persevered
She would not give up
She still stands up tall and confident
It is impossible for her to forget her friendship with the red haired girl
But her scars can heal
They can fade
The red haired girl is happy
The blonde girl is strong
The blonde haired girl is not alone
And the blonde haired girl stayed together.

The author's comments:

People have strong impacts on our lives but no matter how great things are or how awful, keep pushing through. There is a light at the end of the tunnel; trust me I know.

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