Till Death Do I Part | Teen Ink

Till Death Do I Part

November 29, 2016
By Parzival BRONZE, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Parzival BRONZE, Alamogordo, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The end sprints ever near

And I cry every tear
Though without a trace of fear
My soul must endear
The ever looming sadness.


I smile for you
they say it's long overdue,
but the sadness in my heart
will tear us apart.


My soul now flies
As my heart slowly dies
Too tired to try
To far gone to cry
I enter the everlasting sleep
That nestles in the dark so deep.


I say I'm fine but that is a lie
For I feel as though I'm about to die.
I see you with her happy as can be
And I know that I will never be what you need.


My heart is torn apart
Forever alone in the dark.
You smile at me
And I smile back


Your heart is stone
For you left me alone.
Time ticking by,
So soon we shall die
without a trace, without a face.

The author's comments:

This poem, as is the case with all of my writing, is based on whatever I happen to be feeling at the time the writing takes place.

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