The Softening That Wasn't | Teen Ink

The Softening That Wasn't

December 8, 2016
By megosh99 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
megosh99 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How are you and Joe?
Good, thanks. We have a relationship of faith and love, I say.
He’s sober, gracious, respectful— 
a lie.
We have a relationship of disaster.
Always hammered, aggressive—it has flatlined.
This guy is someone I can trust—
a cover up.
His solution to arguments is a crime—
I am beaten.
But look, I can work with this—
He’s actually had a few good weeks.
But look, the failures manifest—
I’ve spent years pretending that it’s working. It’s not.
This is a normal relationship, right?
Trying to walk a careful line.
Domestic violence—
The coverup is worse than the crime.
My fix: dysfunctional. False hope for improvement,
Only to get his signature solution—
A blow to the face.
The Softening That Wasn’t.

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