the ship | Teen Ink

the ship

December 19, 2016
By SpicyBoi BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
SpicyBoi BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A sinking ship. All the passengers frantic, screaming, running, clinging to anything they can hold. However there are purses being clung onto rather than children. Wallets being the items a man is diving overboard to grab, rather than a hand of a woman who tipped over the rail and began to fall. The captain is steering the ship disregarding the state it is in. He smokes a cigar no other deck hand can afford. “Why are you steering the ship captain” asks a boy whose mother and father dove overboard to escape certain death, leaving him alone. “Why to get to our destination of course”, replies the captain. The boy puzzled accepts the answer and takes it the grave once he slips and falls into the freezing waters. The passengers remaining on the ship are knee high in water and the carpets are soaking in every drop. The power has gone out, and all hope is certainly and most definitely gone. Now the ship is underwater and the captain is floating away in a lifeboat of his own after his advisors have informed him that it is his time to leave. The boy sits on the stern of the ship watching the distant sunrise just begin. It’s a shame he will not be alive to see it.

The author's comments:

its not about a boat

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