Bricks that don’t break | Teen Ink

Bricks that don’t break

April 18, 2017
By tmann1414 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
tmann1414 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am by far the most comical in my family. My humor is like a comedian that never takes a break. Smile as big as the tallest towers. My family though, they are the opposite.

Everything is taken seriously with my family. If I say something I believe is funny, my family stares at me as if they are looking at a brick. A boring brick that has no humor what so ever. Almost as if they want to knock on this rock to see if it is hollo. After every joke there is that strange sound of silence lurking in the room. The room can be so quiet at times, the crickets aren’t even speaking.

These “non-comical” jokes are what separates me from my family. It is like there is a brick wall between us. I think everything is funny, but they don’t. Bricks so hard, almost impossible to break.
There is a difference between my family and I, but it is almost impossible to break a brick wall with your voice.

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