18 Messages | Teen Ink

18 Messages

July 17, 2017
By stuckinthemiddle GOLD, Greenville, South Carolina
stuckinthemiddle GOLD, Greenville, South Carolina
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Today I beat my personal best for most consecutive days alive.&quot;<br /> -Unknown

every morning when I wake up my skin cracks just a little and I remember the world is full of broke broken people
the night full of black teeth falls away into the glossy eyes I see
every morning when I wake up I think of how I burned my last book to keep you warm but you stayed ruined in your home of hip bones
I think of how you moved away and I left 17 messages on your phone. blood in my sentences.
there were cracks in my fingers and breaks in my nails. I thought I was broken people. Thought I’d found some glue.
still I wake up in the morning and my skin cracks a little. Still I wake up in the morning in my eyes I see broken people. broke people
I leave an extra message on your phone air in my sentences in between the knife of my lips but with clenched teeth I don’t think you can hear a thing
didn’t matter with my heart making home in my ears
every morning the sky cracks to make room for clouds and my skin cracks to make room for new skin. I’ve yet to lose a scar.
i’ve got punctuation on my forehead. Full stop.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by wishing heartbreak to end.

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