Butterflies in a Jar | Teen Ink

Butterflies in a Jar

September 12, 2017
By lonelyme BRONZE, Regina, Saskatchewan
lonelyme BRONZE, Regina, Saskatchewan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Insecure - not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious.

Confidence… How can one be this if she was told everything about her was wrong?
That everything about her was foul?
I've spent nights crying in my bed and wondering why this is happening to me.
Why couldn't I be a normal girl?
It seems like the whole world was suddenly against me with no warnings or signs
What’s wrong with me?
I am a butterfly who was captured.
Dragged away from my habitat and held in a glass jar.
Everyday I was observed by smiling faces.
I tried so hard to get out.
Flap my wings hard enough so wind can gather and somehow break the solid glass walls.
Bang myself against the glass shields that was told to protect me.
I have never felt less unsafe in my life.
My wings that were once so multicolored and vibrant,
Now so frail and dull.
Seems like every time I got damaged those smiling faces grines would get even bigger and bigger.
I looked up and there was no cap holding me in.
Free at last!
But why can’t I move?
I told myself that I will always be this way.
I pushed back my wings and pushed them forward
So much force, so much power.
I was out!
My fragile Wings were once again radiant and colourful.
I flew away and looked back for a split second.
I realize those smiling faces were just like me,
Butterflies in a jar.

Confidence - A feeling of self assurance
arising from one’s appreciation of
one's own abilities or qualities.

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