Disguise | Teen Ink


March 13, 2018
By Emmap2550 GOLD, New York City, New York
Emmap2550 GOLD, New York City, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I strode confidently down 5th Avenue,

my Gucci purse swinging.

I took a deep breath,
inhaling the smoky, gray air.

Crowds parted as I walked,
power and influence radiating off me.
A casual smirk adorned my lips
As I arrived at my work building.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed a door open.
A bell jingled. ‘Morning!’
I gave an impatient nod to the clerk,
pressing the elevator button.

The light blinked on,
and I hurried inside.
‘Good Morning!’
A shabbily dressed, old man smiled at me.

Holding my head high,
I sneered a quick hello.
‘Beautiful day, right?’
I ignored him and got off.

A smile still on my face,
I rushed into my office.
A cup of coffee was next to my laptop,
which was already open and ready.

Locking the large wooden door behind me,
I sighed, my facade slipping off my face,
shattering on the rough surface,
that was called reality.

I seated myself in front of my desk,
beginning to click away at the screen.
A tear rolled down my cheek,
splattering against the keys.

I rubbed furiously at my eyes,
trying to hide the sadness.
‘Don’t show weakness’
I murmured to myself.

Closing my eyes tightly for a moment,
I breathed deeply.
Then another salty tear,
waterfalling down my flushed cheeks.

And all of it caught up to me:
the screams,
the begging,
the death.

Then in the distance,
a siren began to wail.

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