Just be happy | Teen Ink

Just be happy

May 9, 2018
By Zorla GOLD, Winona, Minnesota
Zorla GOLD, Winona, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Just be happy,” they declare with complete confidence,
As if, to attempt that, I lack the sense.
As if the solution is that simple and apparent
And that I, myself, am transparent.
They do not know or care to uncover
What truly lies beneath this mock skin cover.

Spiders crawl and skitter about within my mind
And feast upon all the joyful, comforting thoughts they find.
Shadows lurk and skulk behind my eyes
And snatch away all the vibrant colors I once saw as if they’re a prize
Demons slash and carve up my throat
And use my unheard pleas, upon my soul, as a knout.
A ghost moans and wails in my chest
And haunts the void that once held my heart at rest.
Waves of darkness lap and tug at my feet
And tell of an impending tsunami as they quickly retreat.

All of this they do not see— are blind to,
But that is a fact I already accepted and knew.
The worries and concerns of others simply stroll out the door,
For one’s own problems are more than enough to endure.
They do not perceive all that hides within me,
And now, they never will.

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