I am a teary-eyed girl | Teen Ink

I am a teary-eyed girl

May 22, 2018
By aurianna.m BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
aurianna.m BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am a teary-eyed girl
I wonder why tears fall from my eyes before words form on my tongue
I see the corners of their faces rise
I want to smile like they all do.
I am a teary-eyed girl

I pretend that I am happy so they’ll like me
I feel their eyes staring through the walls
I touch the dampness of my salty cheeks
I worry that one day they’ll know
I cry salty seas of a thousand feet
I am a teary-eyed girl


I understand that sometimes it is okay to cry
I say that I’ll never be good enough
I dream that one day I will
I try to be like them even though I never I will
I hope that one day I’ll be happy
I am a teary-eyed girl

The author's comments:

I was told by my teacher to write a poem and I just got carried away the original poem was I am hopeless but our assignment was to personalize it to ourselves. My name is Aurianna, I am from Virginia Beach, VA and I am thirteen years old.

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