As She Walked | Teen Ink

As She Walked

March 22, 2018
By Akiriues SILVER, Wellington, Colorado, Colorado
Akiriues SILVER, Wellington, Colorado, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'I am not a label"- Unknown

As she walked,
Snowflakes adorned her head like a crown.
Her soul was ablaze
But her heart remained frozen
A gleaming smile,
But her eyes remained blank.
Though her words say something,
Her eyes that brim with glistening tears,
tell otherwise
A painted smile,
faded lines lie upon her wrist
A cracked mirror,
Tape failed to fix the broken pieces,
Though the cracks remain embedded forever
No one can take back the damage,
That has already been done.
She’s afraid of what she’ll become
For if she shows what’s truly inside
Others will want to hide
From the truth
From her
She tells them
She’s insane
No one hears her
No one wants to get past arm’s length
Scared for what she’ll become and what she already is

The author's comments:

What inspired me because I was this girl, still am. 

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