What my best friend needs to hear | Teen Ink

What my best friend needs to hear

June 8, 2018
By Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

As the week goes by so fast and thoughts swarm my mind one thought that never leaves my mind is you. I always wonder what you are doing or what you are thinking.  Are paths seperated October of 2016. Now that October may have been hard for you but it was worse for me. I went to a place that I knew no one. That never meant I was leaving you. I was always too afraid to tell tyou this but it needs to be said… I truly do love you but sometimes you shut out the wrong people. I may have left that state but you shut me out. You’ve left me worried and thinking. You have been the person that I trust the most since the fifth grade. We told each other everything and you act like I don’t exist. I don’t like arguing with you and you know that but, I feel like I don’t matter anymore. You know I am always here for you and I always be. We have been through so much together and we can’t stop now. Another thing you need to know is you let too many people walk all over you. You let the wrong people control your life. If I was there you know that would not happen.  I know that is not a reason though. You need to stand up for yourself. You worry too much about other people’s problems and not enough about your own. Stand up for yourself. I know that you like helping people but it is not fair to you. I know I do the same thing and sometimes it is a good distraction but at the same time you have to do something for you. You can’t let these people run you into the ground. I am always here to help you. I know we aren’t as close as we use to be. I also know that you have a lot of things you are afraid to tell me and I know I have a lot of things I am afraid to tell you. We can’t be afraid anymore we have to start letting each other in. This last year almost two years has been so stressful and so boring without you. You are such a good person but right now I need my best friend and from what I was told you need me too. You are so caring and kind and I love you more than words can say. I hope we can see each other soon. I miss you bestfriend. Please be strong and don’t let people walk all over you. You aren’t there doormat.

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