The Spirit of a Warrior | Teen Ink

The Spirit of a Warrior

December 5, 2009
By Retto GOLD, Long Beach, California
Retto GOLD, Long Beach, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love me, hate me, but you will remember me." Anthony G.

Coming up on heaven’s door.
My friends at my side.
So begins our gruesome night.

We stand together, Ready.
Facing our worst fears,
Our minds and bodies, steady.

Our hearts dreading the silence.
Sad, lonely, quiet.
Abruptly, the doors open.

Angels of love and despair,
Scream out in the night.
Their arrows, deadly and true.

They pierce my soul painfully.
I slowly doze off.
Cursed to repeat it again.

Here we are, to save the day.
With a helping hand.
It is unconditional.

What could it possibly be?
What keeps us going?
Perhaps it’s just our nature.

For what, do we fight so hard?
We do not ask why.
We merely act on instinct.

What is heaven? What is hell?
The only difference,
Is what you choose to call it.

With every kill, I cry out
the grief is too much
Death will make them understand

The author's comments:
My attempt at a look inside the heart of a hero. I decided to make it a bit harder by writing in a haiku style. tell me what you think.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 19 2010 at 5:34 pm
Lifeisabeach GOLD, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
18 articles 2 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes, good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.

It sounded kind of sci-fi, but I liked it. :)