Throne of Bones | Teen Ink

Throne of Bones

March 2, 2014
By Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you haven't excepted a helping hand, you will never know how to give a helping hand.

Dust covered bones,
Blood splattered stones,
Skulls beneath your throne,
Your sins will be shown.

The author's comments:
Just lying around thinking about the people who rip others apart (mentally or physically) in order to build up a kingdom for themselves. Either for popularity or to be strong. Then I realized, that when it's found out that how they got to their throne, was through bullying, and other torturous paths. That the Pile of skulls they built their thrown on, falls apart, and they have to lie in the ruin of what they have done. So I wrote a Haiku for it, hope you all enjoy.

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