what love is | Teen Ink

what love is

February 5, 2020
By thekidinthedark BRONZE, In, Indiana
thekidinthedark BRONZE, In, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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fight for what u love not what others belive in.

They say love is not meaningful until

You understand love. But

Nobody truly knows what love is 

People say love is when 

You get butterflies for someone and 

Never stop thinking about them that is love

But others say love is like a rose it goes through

Many fazes but but u never stop loving 

And me i think love is an indescribable thing that 

Nobody can explain love. love is many thing 

But nobody can truly tell you what it means 

But my way of telling you what love is that

Love is an indestructible bond between 2 

People that will go through heaven and hell 

Love is that  you will do anything for that person at any 

Given time or place 

Love is love and nobody truly knows what 

Love is.

The author's comments:

what do you think love is tell me in the comments

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