Am I Good Enough? | Teen Ink

Am I Good Enough?

May 22, 2020
By hockeyplayer2 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
hockeyplayer2 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Am I Good Enough?

My dad tells me “You are the best.”

My mom tells me “There is no one going to beat me.”

But I keep asking myself  “am I ready?”

Am I Good Enough?

My advisor tells me I'm the fastest in the league.

My coach tells me I'm good enough, but I need to get stronger.

“Can I do it though,” I ask myself?

Am I Good Enough?

My teammates have always told me I am.

My friends know that I am.

But I still ask myself “will I be able to do it?”

Am I Good Enough?

The junior coaches call me and ask me if i'm ready.

I tell them I AM.

So I signed with them for next season.


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