Mineral Minor | Teen Ink

Mineral Minor

June 18, 2020
By Anonymous

Child with eyes of silver,

Skin shines like quicksilver ;

Has a golden demeanour .

And reveals she has a platinum humour .


Though when she looks in the mirrored glass 

She knows not, of her metalic mask ,

But those miniture moments are savoured.

Knowing she's minerally attired .


Her nails shine as though glass,

When she looks down, she reflects on her past .

While her hair shines like brass

As she lays, her had upon the green grass.


Bornt into no one's inheritance ;

She had to keep her life in high maintenance 

So that there would be fequent flourishment,

Being bornt into a world of sin and punishment.


Suddenly she is no longer frightened,

Becaused she became aware and hightened

Leaving her ignorance behind;

And no longer will she be blind.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by my imagination and my thoughts .Though I dislike Biology class I was also so inspired by that's basically why I called Mineral Minor .

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