The Reality of Quarentine | Teen Ink

The Reality of Quarentine

November 24, 2020
By rnugent_mcacubs BRONZE, Metaire, Louisiana
rnugent_mcacubs BRONZE, Metaire, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was excited when school was first said to out,

It thrilled me so much, I had started to shout, 

However as time continued to move on, 

The thought of reality began to dawn.

The quarantine break would not last a week, 

It would actually last about six months at its peak,

The thought of not seeing anyone I love, 

Was a thought that made me sad like a dove.

So now I ask when the time comes again,

That you put on a mask to save your family and friends.

The author's comments:

Part of what inspired me to write this poem was the memories I had at the start of quarentine. 

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