Roses and Wine | Teen Ink

Roses and Wine

February 15, 2023
By Anonymous

I didn't know how to say 

Wished you could take me away

My soul, my life, my sweet relief

Your eyes pull me in, fast and deep

A calm, absent from my life before

I'll call you a goddess if you call me yours

Bury me in your roses, let their thorns reach my heart

And in my hands, your face, our own worlds never apart

Blooms in pleasure, an alcoholic sway 

Holding me back from a cliff, to the rocks’ dismay

We sit by the fire as we watch the crimson flames glow

For today, we drink wine of grapes past sowed

And as we drift to where we dream,

I dread to wake up to a world without you me

The author's comments:

Inspired by pieces of Taylor Swift and the greek poet Sappho

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