Let me be free | Teen Ink

Let me be free

June 10, 2024
By Mystic_Ash BRONZE, Chennai, Other
Mystic_Ash BRONZE, Chennai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


drink up the pain

take it away

heal this pain

he said….. then




you did this to me



let me be free



in your misery

let me be free

The author's comments:

Hi, it’s been a while…. Well this piece of mine is about how sometimes, when we try to help someone heal and feel better, we lose ourselves in the process. We become so involved to the point that it affects us as well, even if we don’t have anything to do with the incident, and sometimes we help our loved ones heal but we end up being more damaged…. Cause we end up being the punching bag.

personally I’ve never felt this before, or maybe I have, and I haven’t figured it out yet. But when I thought of these lyrics, it seemed like something a child who was too involved in their parents fights would say…. And that could be any of us. I hope this poem gives some people closure, reassurance, that it’s a real feeling… and it never lasts forever 

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