Falling and Flying | Teen Ink

Falling and Flying

November 13, 2009
By Anonymous

I feel the raindrops on my face
As I'm slowing down in this race
I feel the warmness in your embrace
Counting all the things I have in my life
How can I be so blind?
Why must I rewind all my memories?
I'm taking 10 steps forward with four steps back
Hoping I don't get a heart attack
As my emotions cause me to overreact
I put a smile on my face and feel the love pouring in from all around
An addictious sound

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by me realizing all the wonderful things I have in my life. I want everyone to know no matter what you want to have in your life there are always people who love you and care about you. What comes around goes around. A cycle of love. In honor of national write love on each others' arms day.

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