Dear God | Teen Ink

Dear God

January 13, 2010
By Iluvgreenday BRONZE, Toronto, South Dakota
Iluvgreenday BRONZE, Toronto, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life can get tough, but I wanna live it; Times can get hard, but I'll never give in."

Dear God.
I've been trying to live a good life.
Dear God.
I have not been doing so swell.
Dear God.
I need your help.
I've been laying in this hospital bed...
For three weeks now.

Don't want to be laying here for too much longer.
Just want to go live a happy life.
But God, the news has not been so great these days.
They all try not to cry, because they know matters will just get worse.

Dear God.
Don't let them worry.
Let them know I'll be okay.
Dear God.
Howcome you chose me.
I'm just trying to live a happy life.

I know I may not be living a long life.
I just want you to know.
If I don't leave this hospital bed...
Make sure Mom and Dad know;
I love them.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this after my most recent open-heart surgery about four years ago. It was a very difficult time for my family and I, and things didn't go too smoothly. I realized after a month of complications, and sitting in the hospital, how much my family really cares about me. Everyone went out of their way for me, did anything I asked, and just wanted me to live happily, just in case it was my last happy moments. I started to think about things such as how terrible it would be if, dare I say it, I hadn't lived through it all. I wondered, mostly, how my family would hold up. I want everyone to know that it may not always seem like it, but your family is so much more important to you than you might think, and you never know when you might have to lose one of your family members, or a friend, or when they might have to lose you, so always make sure they know how much you love them.

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This article has 2 comments.

lizzy96 GOLD said...
on Feb. 17 2010 at 8:08 am
lizzy96 GOLD, Atglen, Pennsylvania
16 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
life isn't about making it through the storm; it is about dancing in the rain

this just goes to show just how powerful our God really is. good work! im glad everything worked out.

Bethani GOLD said...
on Feb. 3 2010 at 5:59 pm
Bethani GOLD, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
10 articles 0 photos 508 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is perfect until you sit back and realize how boring it is without risks.

Oh my! I'm so sorry! That must've been so hard. I'm glad things are working out better now. Keep writing! These lyrics remind of how lucky I am. All the blessings god has given me. Thank you so much!