Timmy Jones | Teen Ink

Timmy Jones

February 28, 2011
By LoveSavesTheDay SILVER, Estherville, Iowa
LoveSavesTheDay SILVER, Estherville, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I accept chaos; however I'm not sure it accepts me. (Bob Dylan)

For Timmy Jones things were lookin might grim,
Bit by bit he lost everything he loved.
Lost his lovely lady the other day,
Body did her wrong for no particular reason.

Well Timmy lay awake on a February night,
Too poor for a 40; not a doobie in sight.
Mother Nature was trying to change the season,
But the wind howled and it was mighty freezin'

But reality was crashing down
He had to get out of this town
With a DUI under his belt
Timmy grabbed his shotty; stuffed it in his guitar case,
along with some empty beer bottles.
Then that boy grabbed his bike
and pedalled out of sight.

Biked to the country; Biked to the peaceful.
Counted the stars in less then 2 hours
Just over 2,00
He thought about his lady, wonderin' how she's been.
If he'll ever see her again.

Then he took out his 12 gauge and shot himself,
Every bottle he did bring.
Then he dropped to his knees,
And let out the tears.
He could hear the pain in his own sobs.
Freezin before they hit the ground.

Then Timmy hopped on his bike,
With a faint ring in his ear.
And Timmy, timmy pedaled home
His heart a lil lighter.

The author's comments:
My aunt recently passed away, and I've been listening to a lot of Bob Dylan lately. I dig songs that tell stories so I went ahead and gave it a go... I really did bike out to the country around 10 at night (with my shotty in my guitar case), shot beer bottles, then cried... It was a really powerful moment. When at got home at 1 I sat down and wrote this song (with freezing fingers)Also, the average stars you can count at night are 2,000 (just a little fun fact)

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