The Pain | Teen Ink

The Pain

March 24, 2011
By nliuzzo SILVER, Elmwood Park, Illinois
nliuzzo SILVER, Elmwood Park, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A man's true strength is not measure by what he can move or lift, it is measured by an idomitable will, and an ever loving heart." -Gandhi

The pain, it runs so deep
The pain, it's mine to keep
the pain, I don't want it
Cuz I cannot take it
But I have to take it
I will not fake it
Cuz I know it will make me stronger,
But I know I can't last must longer

The pain just keeps getting bigger
Cuz now I see you're just a gold digger
I don’t know how I'll get by
I need a way to keep my eyes dry
But everyday I'm without you
I can feel my health going askew.
I need something to change,
Cuz everyday I feel a little more strange

I want it like before,
Before the lies, the cheating
before you walked out the door.
Can't you see? We were happy.
You had it all, u just needed to call.
Thinking about it makes my heart sore,
I want you to come back for more.
Do me this favor, just one last time.
Cuz I'll for ever treat you like a fine summer wine.
Cuz when you were mine,
I felt divine every time.

I need you to say yes,
Cuz to be honest, you were my best.
I would say it like Drake,
But that would make me fake.
Cuz I can't rap, I can't sing
I'm just a kid. With a couple rings.

I'll give you all that I can,
Even though it isn't much.
I can be your man,
And love you as such.
So c'mon, give me a chance
Let take this and advance
To a whole new level.
Don't fight it, don't be a rebel.
Do whatever is in your heart,
Cuz I know that last time was only the start

The author's comments:
I just wrote this randomly lol

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