Nails and Butterflies | Teen Ink

Nails and Butterflies

March 29, 2011
By Anonymous

Don't come to it
but I'll give you an invitation
into my life
but please don't come to it
don't hear any of it
but I'll tell you all the s***
about my life
but don't hear any of it

In my dreams
there are ghosts and angels
In me soul
there's the truth and the liar
In my life
there are Nails and Butterflies
In my mouth
there are knives and healers
In my memory
there are killers so few heros
And in my life
There are Nails and Butterflies

Don't do a damn thing
but I'll show you all the utensils
to my scars
but don't do a thing
don't cry or worry
I'll drag you through all
my fears
but don't cry
These are just Nails and butterflies.

In my dreams
there are ghosts and angels
In me soul
there's the truth and the liar
In my life
there are Nails and Butterflies
In my mouth
there are knives and healers
In my memory
there are killers so few heros
And in my life
There are Nails and Butterflies

In this storm of everything
I feel like bailing out
and in all the confusion
My heart is failing now
Somewhere in everyones story
there are nails and butterflies
and now down on my knees
I'm digging through the trash
begging to feel shame if nothing else
I'm blinking with every flash
In every corner of this God forsaken place
there are more nails than butterflies.

The author's comments:
Nails held Jesus to the cross, Butterflies symbolize rebirth.

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