On your lips | Teen Ink

On your lips

July 21, 2011
By Excape_The_Fate BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
Excape_The_Fate BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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‎"Gay, straight, retarded....why do we have to put labels on everything?"

If you need me,the word would be on your lips.making me feel the deep bliss. My heart cant take it anymore,it's like im falling into a deep abyss.
As i fall I scream your name,i get nothing I'm going insane! Give me your hand if you will, clean up all of my spills.
When you take my hand, i feel safe.
You go home later that day, you take a knife and say "I cant protect her" and you end it.
I walk in the next mornin'. Standing in a pool of maroon.
I get down im my hands and knees,i blame my self for his mistakes.

You saved me before, why can't you do it again?
I forgot about your twisted fate,my mind wont turn you away.
If you need me the word will stay on your lips....

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