But There's No Basement in the Almo | Teen Ink

But There's No Basement in the Almo

November 24, 2011
By awilddylanappears SILVER, Trumbull, Connecticut
awilddylanappears SILVER, Trumbull, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven&#039;t tried that for a while. Maybe this time it&#039;ll work.<br /> George Carlin

Verse 1: Back seats packed and ready to go,
shipping off to no where ,
to a place no one knows,
we set off on this caravan of joyful insanity,
to the road of calamity and mistrust,
Chorus: I'll be the pied and you be the piped,
and we'll sing this crazy tune all night,
dance in the fire and chant our wicked delight,
laugh as the world all goes to hell
Verse 2: As our tires eat the road in our forward bound,
the sun consumes the sky,
while the moon climbs too high,
we whistle this tune in obnoxious grace,
sing that song all f****** night
verse 3:
As the fire dies so do we,
we fall to the sodden earth while the galaxy frowns down on me,
a peer to the side and the suns leaves the trees,
and chuckle to myself as the desert blows up blocking out the sky

The author's comments:
An acoustic song i am working on for my band the Back Birds.

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