--You-- | Teen Ink


April 17, 2012
By Robert Hewett BRONZE, Thomasville, Georgia
Robert Hewett BRONZE, Thomasville, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Those memories of you,
and the things we've been through.
Make me wanna cry,
and I wish sometimes I would die.
Its hard knowing your hurt,
and it makes me feel like dirt.
I know its because of me,
and I hope you know I'm sorry.
I still love you,
I wish you knew it hurts me too.
But 200 miles is way too far,
we'd both feel like we're stuck in tar.
I think it best we go our separate ways,
and maybe we'll meet again one of these days.
You were my first love,
But you must fly like a dove.
I guess this is goodbye,
and I'm sorry I didn't lie,
but I gotta tell the truth,
so I don't have regrets like the guy in the ticket booth.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after my girlfriend and I broke up. I was devastated and did nothing but stay in bed for several days. I want people to see that when a relationship goes bad it isnt always the girl who feels heartbroken. I want people to see the guys side of a bad break-up.

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