eligah | Teen Ink


May 31, 2012
By emochic8286 SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
emochic8286 SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
8 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life to the fullest

Verse 1:I met you when I was down
Hell was rising in my mind
And though you where having your own personal hell
Somehow you showed me some kind of relief in mine
Chorus: and I’m going to thank u
I’m going to thank you its time for me to move on
To stand on my own two feet
But thank you (3times)
Verse 2:I had no intention of it happening
But it just did
And now we are stuck in this emotion tragedy
That we’ve created.
But you gave me hope when I needed you to
And I don’t know if I can ever repay you
That kiss
That touch
That feeling
I got from you that I’ve had so many times
But with you somehow it seem special
It hurts to say it but
Thank you

The author's comments:
the person that i wrote this for means alot to me and he confusses me but he does need to be thanked for all his help when i was down and still am

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