Mommy's Little Devil | Teen Ink

Mommy's Little Devil

June 19, 2012
By HarleyQuinn16 PLATINUM, Dacatur, Illinois
HarleyQuinn16 PLATINUM, Dacatur, Illinois
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A poet judges not as a judge judges, but as the sun falls around a helpless thing." -Walt Whitman

Mommy's little devil
close your eyes if you dare
go to sleep my darling demon
i wouldn't hurt i swear
all the nursery rhymes were lies
all the fairy tales were fake
nobody gets a happy ending
no one gives, they only take
so grow up strong and grow up wise
you can see through all their lies
no one lives but no one dies
Can't you see why i despise?

The author's comments:
It's not completely finished but I thought I would see how people liked it first. Please comment:)

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