Glass Windows | Teen Ink

Glass Windows

June 6, 2013
By imatter BRONZE, Edwardsburg, Michigan
imatter BRONZE, Edwardsburg, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. - William Shedd

Every memory of you
Takes me back through a world for two
And nothing could affect this world of ours

I still remember last September
Crystal nights and perfect weather
Laid out on your roof and counted stars

Believing in our real love
You and I were just enough
Never could have dreamt of better days

We had it made, we never thought
There’d come a day we only fought
Still the clouds poured down on our parade

And as it goes the time passed by
We sadly said our last goodbyes
Weakened to the point of letting go

Afraid to try and mend what’s torn
The cause was mine, the fault was yours
Now I’m writing songs and all alone

If I had just one more chance
If I could ask just one more dance
If I could write a song, I’d play and then you’d be in my arms

I’m done trying
I’m inside dying
I can’t keep lying to myself

If love still mattered
Then I’d still have her
My dreams are shattered like glass windows

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This article has 1 comment.

MadelaineG1 said...
on Jun. 22 2013 at 3:18 pm
Amazing lyrics, thank you!!!! Can I use this for my song? I will give you all the credits. Thanks ♥