Angel Falls | Teen Ink

Angel Falls

October 14, 2013
By iloveromance9 BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
iloveromance9 BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snowflakes are whirling, twirling, swirling.
Bells are ringing, plinging, singing.
Stacking full of toys and treats
Ovens brimming with meats and sweets.

It’s Christmas time
And I’m feeling jolly.
It’s Christmas time
Hang up your holly.
Boxes hiding darts and dolls
Fill your trees with bells and balls
It’s Christmas time
The angel falls.

Snowflakes dropping without stopping.
Men in forests don’t stop chopping.
Streets are full of sparkling lights,
Everybody’s stopped their fights.

It’s Christmas time
And I’m feeling jolly.
It’s Christmas time
Hang up your holly.
Boxes hiding darts and dolls
Fill your trees with bells and balls
It’s Christmas time
The angel falls.

Kiss me under the mistletoe,
So I don’t feel so blue, so indigo
And maybe next Christmas we’ll be
Decorating out own frosted tree.

It’s Christmas time
And I’m feeling jolly.
It’s Christmas time
Hang up your holly.
Boxes hiding darts and dolls
Fill your trees with bells and balls
It’s Christmas time
The angel falls.

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