Red Ocean | Teen Ink

Red Ocean

October 14, 2013
By iloveromance9 BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
iloveromance9 BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know you
but I know you need help.
Cause you scared and angry
at the world and yourself.
Just hold your head up.
Pretend it don’t hurt
‘cause all I can do
is make it all worse.
As you walk down the hallway,

you sing a sad song,
about a young girl
with a broken heart
And the pieces he left
have been swept away,
to a red ocean
where they better not stay.
I can see you looking
at the world from your view
But all you can see
is the green of his eyes
and the red of the ocean

you hide by your side.
Maybe one day—
you’ll see that I.
have been here all.


And maybe one day
will talk about the- guy.
Who left that red ocean
at your side.
As you walk down the hallway,
you sing a sad song
about a young girl
with a broken heart.
And the pieces he left
have been swept away,
to a red ocean
where they better not stay.
But before the time comes
when you need
to cry.
Remember that I was
with the boy.
Who drank the red waters.
And made you smile.
Tonight me and him
will go the last mile
As you walk down the hallway.
you sing a sad song

about a young girl
with a broken heart.
And the pieces he left
have been swept away,
to a red ocean
the you’ve dried up inside.

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