Forgiven | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By Kassidy Sorweide GOLD, Grants Pass, Oregon
Kassidy Sorweide GOLD, Grants Pass, Oregon
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They're yellin' from the sky
scraping up the lost and broken
telling them that there's a God to save them
That their unholy souls can be forgiven
If they slay their bodies to the lord
Numb their minds to a path away from human nature
Become obsessed with acceptance
the masses follow one path hoping to become enlightened
They make mistakes
They sin
they are forgiven
Why should they be forgiven?
Why should they be forgiven?

Crooks become saints in the pews of a church
they bow their heads to words they will never hear
They seek the sky
Fear falling down
But they still sin, they still will be forgiven

They shout their righteousness in your ears
their ideas create societal right and wrong
they still go against moral code
"But it's the will of God"
" God is forgiving"
Why should they be forgiven?
What have they done that can be forgiven?
Why are we being forgiven?
I can't be forgiven

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