Say something | Teen Ink

Say something

June 27, 2014
By Naveenahmad SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
Naveenahmad SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Say something
I feel like I'm the only one
And I tried to make things right
Between us
But you wouldn't say anything
And I feel lonely

You know you just walked away
Whenever I speak
But. I feel like the only one
Say something
Say something

I feel you ignored me
Your not talking
Or listening
An hello
You say a goodbye
Say something, yeah
Say something

Why does it have to be this way
You know, you will pay
Couldn't you just communicate
Or cooperate
Even a little

Say something, yeah
Say something

And when he turns his back on me
I feel like mad lava
I am melting
I'm losing hope
I'm losing everything
Because of you

Why is there a wall between us
Baby, why?
Say something
Say something
Your making a choice to go to the dark
Say something, yeah
Say something

I feel like the only one, say something
A tension between us
Say something

Say something, oh, say something
Just say something, anything
Say something

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