Stop Confusing Me | Teen Ink

Stop Confusing Me

August 30, 2015
By Nickster_ SILVER, Kuala Terengganu, Other
Nickster_ SILVER, Kuala Terengganu, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's throw away the hate & rock tonight" - Kid Dynamite

We're now like two parallel lines,
we look at the same place but are so, so different
I don’t have anyone else but you
but why does it feel like I’m completely outside of you?
If I stay quiet, you ask, “are you okay? are you mad?”
Well, did you even do anything to me to make me mad?
You’re a beauty and I am pitiful
I hope there will be a miracle of you loving me more than I love you, but no

You don’t have me but I’m filled with you
It’s making me mental
Why are you doing this? Why are you making me into a fool?
I’m warning you now, stop confusing me

The author's comments:

It is about an unstable relationship between a boy and a girl, where one of them is backstabbing the other in the heart by cheating on him/her. 

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