Paining Heart | Teen Ink

Paining Heart

December 25, 2015
By HighnessAtharva BRONZE, Pune, Other
HighnessAtharva BRONZE, Pune, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This paining heart has a request,

Will You take it up as a quest?

Bring down blades as if if were rain

And have me thoroughly slain.


I am a curse, I am all death,

I'm just like a sheath

Open me up and i'm a blade 

And corpses will be laid


I have betrayed you all now

And sunk down so low

I trvel into darkness unknown 

Like a wanderer lone


This paining heart has a request

Will you take it up as a quest

Throw me down to the fire

So you won't need to face my ire


A demon arrived and cursed me 

Some joyful days i won't see

The time has come to me now

To my death I have to bow


They are like a storm

When they come together

They have no form

And then cold is the weather


THis paining herat has a request

Will you take it up as a quest 

Kill me by a dark sword

And do not utter and word.

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