Look Out for Me (Up in Heaven) | Teen Ink

Look Out for Me (Up in Heaven)

January 23, 2016
By Elle-Harriet-Silver BRONZE, Las Piñas City, Other
Elle-Harriet-Silver BRONZE, Las Piñas City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. - Max Ehrmann

Look out for me
Look out for me
Look out for me up in heaven

Look out for me
Look out for me
Look out for me up in heaven

I know it’s been nine years since you were gone
And I know I should have moved on
But I can’t help thinking ‘bout the things we could have done
So won’t you…

Look out for me
Look out for me
Look out for me up in heaven

I know you can see me
I know you are listening
What I don’t know is, are you happy?

Look out for me
Look out for me
Look out for me up in heaven

Twenty-fifth of January
Your death anniversary
And I pretend you’re with me

I see you sitting on your chair
I see you sleeping on my bed
I see you in me

Look out for me
Look out for me
Look out for me up in heaven

Look out for me
Look out for me
Look out for me up in heaven

The author's comments:

Written on January 26, 2014 in memory of my late grandmother who passed away when I was only six years old.

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