god gamer | Teen Ink

god gamer

October 16, 2018
By Zandermader BRONZE, Monroe, Illinois
Zandermader BRONZE, Monroe, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

God gamer

Fill the cauldron full of Mountain Dew,

Throw in a bag of doritos too,

A controller and three larger bags to,

Connect the controller with the charger!

Gods come, Gods go

God came to play thy game!

When the kills come begin the group,

Let the blood of the dragon flow,

Toss in a dragon's wing,

Two times throw the diamond in.

Gods come, Gods go

God came to play thy game!

Ragers yell within their mic,

October first--a day that nears.

Stir the potion,let it fizzle,

Make a god of thee gamer!

Gods come, Gods go

God came to play thy game!

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