The Roman Warrior | Teen Ink

The Roman Warrior

January 3, 2019
By Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This ride that takes me through life leads me into darkness but emerges into light.

There was once a man that was very brave

He was always valiant in his ways

Nothing could stop him from being dauntless

he will always fight for his palace


He always wore amour that was very shiny

And he was the protector of his army

Nothing could stop him from protecting his people

Not even a God can be deceitful


When people see him they know who he is

They know he is the protector of all that lives

He will protect you in any situation

Not even Hades can step to him


When he is in battle he fights with honor

If you fight him you’re a goner

Nothing can stop him not even Medusa herself

not even she can stop his Exasperation from being exposed


All he cares about is the citizens in Rome

He is the prophecy that can’t be composed

He is the one that will win the war

He is the Roman warrior the one that can’t be destroyed    

The author's comments:

This is one of my favorite pieces of Poetry i have writen and i love it so much i also do stories and books.

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