The Deceived | Teen Ink

The Deceived

January 11, 2019
By Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This ride that takes me through life leads me into darkness but emerges into light.

When you look around you see society

No matter where you go society is there

Truthfully there’s something that bothers me about society

When you’re born you’re taught to be happy and never sad

That’s not society

Where ever you go you look around to see happy faces

If you see a person with a fancy car you think that person has a good life 

Truthfully their all dealing with something and hiding it

Whether that be a divorce that they don’t like to talk about

Depression that’s hurting them inside

Or bills that they just can’t get away from

Everyone is dealing with something

No matter what they say there will always be something

You will constantly be told by a person that their fine

In reality they aren’t

Why are you hiding your feelings?

This is a question nobody can answer with the truth

Because instead of letting people help they would rather hide it

No matter what they say their always hiding their pain

Never letting it out

That just causes more problems than they already have

If society were more open

there would be less problems on earth

Less crimes

Less suicide

And less depression

Unfortunately, this will never happen

For people see help as having someone else deal with their problems

So until society gets help we will always be deceived

The author's comments:

This is another poem on a stand point i have its about how i feel about Society and not sharing there feelings and how they need to be heard rather then shy away from showing how they feel.

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